Hootsuite Amplify

by Hootsuite



Find and share news about your organization from one app, Hootsuite Amplify.

Use Hootsuite Amplify to find—and share—news, interesting articles, and other engaging content about your organization with your social networks from one simple app. With news hand-picked and approved for you, Hootsuite Amplify makes it easy to share valuable content that your network will love. Join a community that helps you:• Keep up with whats going on in your organization • Discover and share valuable, relevant news across all your social networks • Connect with peers and build your social presenceHootsuite Amplify is only accessible to users who are part of an organization who have signed up. Interested in using Hootsuite Amplify with your organization? Learn more at hootsuite.com/amplify or tweet us @hootsuite.Thanks for using Amplify!Here is what we’ve included in this release:Minor performance improvements and bug fixes